Sunday, March 29, 2009

The route that Forum Dental AR team took at the Scout O Festival

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Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Nicknames cont.

So in light of us wanting to employ nicknames, I figured I would upload some pictures to go with our given nicknames. Let me know what you think....he, he, he...


Erik your name will most likely need refining after this race, since we haven't raced together yet this will have to do.

Special D
As in Specialized Dave (Need I explain more?)

I didn't really feel that Crack's name needed another repost of the photo (butt for all interested click here)


Sorry Judd you said we couldn't call you "Load" or "Fattie" so what was I supposed to do? (I just couldn't resist)

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Bonk Hard race series competition and nicknames

On Fri, Mar 6, 2009
A few other things about this. I don't know if they use the same racers all of the time. You can only have 6 different racers on a team, so that may disqualify them over the course of the year.

I think by the end of the year, we could beat them in a foot race, but maybe not right now. It certainly is going to be interesting. Especially as we tweak our strategy.

Remember their cool names like Hammer and Stick.

I think we each need to come up with names. Scott, yours is Nav. Kind of a cool GI Joe type name. Maybe even Gage as in the compass is a type of gage, AND you gage how fast we go. Dave, yours should be something like Doc. Due to the fact that you are in charge of the documents (passport). Mine is Link, as in "the weakest". Chris can be Buns. If there are any questions as to why, I'll refer to the necessary photo. I suppose Crack would work too. Erik, yours can be Tic or Toc, referring to your new responsibility to keep track of the time. This is very important as you can tell from Scott's email. We won the last race due to our time management skills.

Any other suggestions?

By the way Load as in "wide load" and Fattie as in "you are huge" are names that I personally would not like to be called. So if you OTHER suggestions, that would be great.


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009
Right now looking at the teams that are registered for LBL it looks as though our only competition for the series are Wounded Warriors ( that is a cool name by the way, I have name envy but they have earned it). And if I am totally honest I am not so sure that we can beat them in a race without time management or them having a blowout or getting lost or something. BUT looking at the series as a whole we don't really have to beat them in any more races, just as long as we come in only one place behind them in the division. If we take second to them for the rest of the races, with our 5 point lead we still win the series.

It is going to be a fun year!


Forum Dental Jersey, Speedo Racing cont.


Ok just forget it, get me the speedo so I can go with the original plan. If that is not possible bring home some surgical masks and I will figure something out with those and duct tape

XXS on the speedo please


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009
so i'm confused.. did you want an XL?


On Wed, Mar 4, 2009
No, I don't want a Med. I need a Large

Henry had mentioned to me that he was going to get me a med for the club champ tri and I didn't know if this was the same thing so I was just confirming that I need a Large. Unfortunately, it seems that I just confused you.

just a final word, I want a large, L, grande


On Wed, Mar 4, 2009
I told Shelia to get me 6 larges - based on everyone's order size for shirts at the various races we have been to. ( 1 extra in case we end up needing to pick up another teammate)

I'm sure we can get a Med., or maybe Shelia didn't change sizes. I can find out. What size did you want.


On Wed, Mar 4, 2009
Judd, did you order me a large? The only reason I am asking is cause I was talking to henry about that Club Champ. tri and he said that he had me down for a M.


On Tue, Mar 3, 2009
I was actually thinking the same thing, but I guess I'm more familiar with reality.

I believe the Jerseys are $53.00 to produce. They were designed with the Multi Sport Club in Rolla. I believe everyone could purchase one for $27.00. So I guess the sponsors pitched in about $26.00 per jersey. I believe they have orders for around 35 to get the price break (otherwise they were in the $70 range to produce fewer).

Henry is buying ours is my understanding. Well, he is buying one for everyone that went on the trail run tonight, so i'll end up with 3, you guys are on your own.


On Tue, Mar 3, 2009
Que bueno! Son muy hermosos. Vamos a correr muy, muy rapido con estos.

That would be Brooke's response to our cool jerseys. I'm hoping she didn't hit on you or insult anyones parentage. So does this mean we are sponsored by all the additional groups on there? Can we get free stuff from Route 66 bikes? Are we able to train for free at the centre? I'm just trying to ask the questions that came to Scott's mind. Dave

here is a prototype of the Forum Dental Team Jersey.

I don't think they will be ready for the race. They got ordered yesterday 3/2, and take 30 days plus 4 days shipping. Looks like they might be here the Monday or Tuesday after the race. They are trying to push them along.


Run in the Dark

probably the banana peals.  Try Plantains.


On Tue, Mar 10, 2009
I have actually rigged something up with exactly those ingredients.  See I throw them all in a blender and turn on high.  Once blended you can dip your shoes in it to create a durable, waterproof, breathable, acid proof, tick and chigger resistant, poison ivy neutralizing, bruise preventing, ingrown toenail curing, blister soothing, kinetic energy returning coating on your shoes.  The formula is currently out for beta testing and unfortunately it has been shown to cause sexual side effects in lab rats, but I should have that worked out by the race.


On Mon, Mar 9, 2009
Went for a Lion's Club run last night in the dark.  Somehow shaved 5 minutes off my time from Monday.  Must have been running scared or something.

No snow, but very muddy.  Shoes worked great.  Got home put them in the sink to wash them off under running water - about 5 minutes to clean them up so I could wear them to work today.  not a drop of water on the inside.  They really are waterproof.

I'm hoping to be able to get around Lion's Club twice in a row before our next race.  Hopefully in 70 minutes or so.  it is 3.7 miles per loop, so that would be a pace just under 10 min. miles.  That is probably the best I can hope for right now.  I guess we'll see.

How are the Teva's working in the water?  

Scott, you've probably rigged up something out of Duct Tape, banana peals and paper clips to keep your feet dry - is it working, and did it cost more than $2.00?


Team Red Wheel Bonk Hard Chill Race Report

To go right to the race report


i'm headed to Jeff city tomorrow rather than the race.  i'm hooking up with the Red Wheel dude to fix my bike proper.


if you read the red wheel blog on the Bonk Hard Chill, it will have you laughing for hours.  It is fairly long, and has some comic foul language, but it is non-stop laughter.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

Re: Water crossings

On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Judd Boehme

As long as the speedo is not cotton (poor performance fabric).  

That picture of Chris at the Berryman proves that someone can be practically in the buff and still do just fine.


On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 12:08 PM, Scott Young
Excellent!! because I was looking for an excuse to go minimal for my racing clothing.  See I was going to see if Henry would order me a Forum Dental Speedo and I was just planning to go Speedo, pack, shoes and gaiters (for the thorns).  I will just streak through the forest like some naked Aborigine.  I would go loin cloth, but I think I may need some support for a 12 hr race.  Who's With Me!!!!


On Fri, Feb 27, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Judd Boehme
I read in my Adventure Racing book last night, that most of these guys actually wear their pants through the watter crossings.  They literally don't stop when they come to water.  They keep everything in dry bags (kind of like Chris did), line their pack with a garbage bag inside and just leave it on their back and go.  The clothing they wear is chosen for it's ability to dry quickly.

Don't know if anyone cares, Just thought i'd pass along the info.


Re: Shoes and Water

On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 5:02 PM, David Whittekiend

I don't think it will be that big of a deal. If it is a pretty hot day and we have to cross a river even the gore tex shoes will probably dry pretty fast. You carry a pair of socks or two much more easily than an extra pair of shoes for crossing. I'll bet we could test out how fast our shoes dry in the very near future and if someone has a pair of shoes that don't work for them they can look at replacing them. I'm sticking with my current shoes until they cause me a problem. I'll bet Dave Frei does the warmer weather orienteering races in barefeet. Those guys are animals.

I think waterproof shoes in conditions like we have right now, during The Chill, or like we had on the Eureka Springs race.

I think total submersion (like a river crossing - Berryman) the non-waterproof shoes would be best. While they get wet, they must dry quickly too. Considering we would not have a total submersion unless the weather were much warmer, I bet they dry in a mile or two, or less than 30 minutes. Due to liability, no race is going to ask us to cross a river unless the weather is nice enough to ultimately dry the shoes quickly.

My other problem with no shoes in the river (it's not the 5 minutes it takes to take them off and then put them back on) is if someone steps on glass, the race is over for us.



On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 12:51 PM, Scott Young
I have also done some research on this, not necessarily from AR people, some people love gore-tex and some people hate them. I guess it comes down to how much you mind wet feet. These are my thoughts, I have non-waterproof shoes that are extremely well vented and are great when it is dry, if I get them wet they dry fairly quickly. However, I went for a run on lions club a couple weeks ago in the mud. Every time I steped in the mud which was every 100 ft or so, the water flowed in and my feet were clammy, pruned and miserable after 4 miles. If we do a race in wet conditions, I will want waterproof shoes. Since we do races in Feb, Apr, Sept. and Dec. chances are we are going to have at least one race where we are going to have wet muddy conditions. So I ordered waterproof shoes, if it is dry I will wear my dry shoes, if it is muddy I will wear my mud shoes unless my mud shoes are just as comfortable as my dry shoes then I'll just wear them all the time. Remember, we were only a week from slogging through the slush for the whole race (oh wait you don't remember because you were on the beach). I really don't think that taking five minutes to take my shoes off if we have to cross a river is going to make or break us. I may have a different outlook though since I wear my shoes for the entire race.


On Thu, Feb 26, 2009 at 12:10 PM, Judd Boehme
I emailed Dave Frei about shoes and wetness etc. Here is his response.
We usually assume that our feet will get wet numerous times in an AR, so we just go full speed ahead and don't worry about wet feet (choose good synthetic socks).

We just go and don't worry about it. If a race was more than 24 hours this might be a problem.

Though, they didn't worry about it during the 36 hour Berryman race - probably because it took them less than 24 hours (maybe because they didn't worry about it).
If you note in the river crossing picture the Bushwacker team did not have shoes tied to their packs either. They probably had them on.
So this makes me wonder if the Gore Tex shoes are a bad thing to have. For puddles OK, but if water gets inside of them, does it not "get out", or dry very well. Maybe if the shoe is going to be fully under water, it's a bad idea to have the Gore Tex shoes?
Leaving shoes on would make the river crossing faster, more stable, and alleviate the need for stopping to put shoes back on wet feet in the dirt. It would also alleviate any possible pictures that need censoring.
I want to know what you guys think.

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Fwd: Ride tomorrow night?

I'm up for a run. I'd rather be mooned repeatedly by Chris than run on a treadmill. I have no problem running at a group pace. That is what being a team is all about isn't it? We could run on the roads around here if we don't have a remote isolated country road to get lost on. Dave

I'm up for about anything, but my 11 minute mile is probably too slow to interest anyone. I went 5 tonight, in 9:23 miles. I'm working my way down, but it's not coming very fast since it is not my main focus right now. I could go for a trail run. Any trails over by the country club? Dave Walton might know of some.

I'm happy to head over to The Center too. I actually don't mind running on a treadmill that much. then I can do my slower miles while Dave tries to do his 5:30 miles.


On Tue, Feb 24, 2009 at 6:50 PM, David Whittekiend wrote:
I think we need to give the trail at Lions Club a break. I received a message recently on the Route 66 list serve that there are some pretty good ruts in the trail and there are some afraid of losing the trail access because of damage. Perhaps a run of about 5 miles or so? Dave

Anyone up for a ride tomorrow night after YM?


Fwd: Training Plan

Enclosed is a spreadsheet with the plan I used to get ready for Berryman. The September tab is pretty much the program I followed. The January is what I was recording prior to the Chill. After a point I quit putting it on this spreadsheet. It worked pretty well for me. It is easily changed to accommodate any program you are interested in. Dave

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